

Two of REI Holding’s subsidiaries have operated in the education sector for more than 15 years. Among their main activities are conducting vocational and language training, management and monitoring of projects with national and European funding, research and analysis, consulting and organizational activities. Since our counsellors have universities degrees from a range of countries, we can offer an insider’s view on the educational sector.


  • Educational and career consulting services for students, young professionals and corporate clients

We offer among others career counselling for students and young professionals, assistance in finding work, private tutoring and travel packages. We have partnerships with boarding schools, universities, language schools, travel agencies, training centers and other companies from across the world.

  • Consulting services in corporate training programs

We have worked with well-recognized Bulgarian companies and training providers and have supported them in carrying out EU-funded projects.

  • Development and delivery of individual and group seminars, trainings, and professional VET courses.

We provide face-to-face and online language courses, as well as various other trainings in a wide range of subjects including entrepreneurship, business and marketing.


Since 2015 the team has been certified by the International Coaching Federation (International Coaching Federation – ICF) in the US and is an official member of ICF Bulgaria.

In 2014 we received an award for Best practices in career information, guidance and counseling.